Buy Demon haunted rings pendants

These rings & pendants are referred to as Haunted because they are vessels for deities that were added to them 30 to 140 years ago by our coven sisters of the north. Each offering is a “home” for the deity and bound by their names, we have performed a ritual which will NOT allow anyone here on our website to steal or harness the powers of these deities.
To find the offering that is right for you we ask that you do the following; Between the hours 11:30 p.m and 3:45 a.m (1) recite the deity’s name three times while viewing one’s own reflection in a mirror. (2) Before sleeping recite the deity name 3 times again and this time visualize the vessel pendant/ring. You will know if this offering is right for you, as the deity will speak to you in your dream and or in the physical world. You will hear a tone or pitch in your ears, a whispered voice or even while sleeping you will feel yourself falling. These are indications the deity is indeed watching and or considering you to become its keeper. ALSO see our ancient deity offerings (click here) on our main witchtalismans sisters of the north website
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Name of deity: Belkharos, the Lord of Rot and Ruin
Origin:From the desolate ruins of ancient Anatolia
Classification:Demon of Decay, Corruption, and Withering Time
Temperament: Belkharos is patient and parasitic, preferring slow collapse over dramatic destruction
Powers: Causes structures, bodies, and even relationships to slowly deteriorate—rusting, rotting, and crumbling under his unseen influence. Inspires stagnation in places and people. Motivation dies, hope withers, and productivity halts wherever Belkharos is commanded to so

Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail

Silverplated obsidian stone pendant measures about 1 1/2 inches


Name: Vezzatrix, the Spiral Temptress
Origin: Renaissance Venice

Classification: Demoness of Obsession, Desire, and Madness

Temperament: Vezzatrix is intoxicating and unpredictable but loyal to the master

Powers: Plants addictive obsessions into the minds of her victims—be it lust, wealth, power, or revenge—until it consumes them. She projects beauty and charm so overwhelming that it bends willpower and confuses perception of what’s real.

Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail

Silverplated turquois stone metal ring 
 SIZE: 7 1/2 U.S (15.76 Europe)

Name of deity: Drekhaal, the Maw of Chains
Origin:Iron Age in Eastern Europe
Classification: Male Demon of Enslavement, Submission, and Unbreakable Pacts
haunted ring

Temperament: Drekhaal is domineering, cold, and mechanical. He shows no emotion—only a desire to tighten
Powers: Drekhaal can bind souls, bodies, or willpower with invisible chains that grow tighter with each broken promise or failure. Any deal sealed with bad intentions is his domain. He strengthens toxic obligations and ensures manipulative contracts flourish.  

Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail

Amethyst stone silver plated metal pendant
Measures: about 1  1 /2  inches 

Name of deity: Ashkoreth, the Pale Ember
Origin: Ashkoreth is whispered of in post-plague France
Classification: Male Demon Demon of Regret, Lost Potential, and Unfulfilled Dream haunted ring
Temperament: Ashkoreth is melancholic, quiet, and sorrowful—almost poetic. He isn’t aggressive; he waits for people to destroy themselves from the inside
Powers: He forces people to see haunting visions of what could have been—the lives they missed, loves they didn’t pursue, and dreams they gave up.This deity ignites a slow-burning hunger for what’s gone, drawing people into nostalgia-fueled paralysis or reckless attempts to reclaim the past

Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail

Solid sterling silver 925 ring with red stone    
SIZE: 6 1/4 U.S (12.56 Europe) 


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Tell us that you are referring to our website as we have another site that focus more on witchcraft and magick which is called Our coven accept orders worldwide using paypal, debit cards, credit cards and Western Union.