These rings & pendants are referred to as Haunted because they are vessels for deities that were added to them 30 to 110 years ago by our coven sisters of the north. Each offering is a “home” for the deity and bound by their names, we have performed a ritual which will NOT allow anyone here on our website to steal or harness the powers of these deities.
To find the offering that is right for you we ask that you do the following; Between the hours 11:30 p.m and 3:45 a.m (1) recite the deity’s name three times while viewing one’s own reflection in a mirror. (2) Before sleeping recite the deity name 3 times again and this time visualize the vessel pendant/ring. You will know if this offering is right for you, as the deity will speak to you in your dream and or in the physical world. You will hear a tone or pitch in your ears, a whispered voice or even while sleeping you will feel yourself falling. These are indications the deity is indeed watching and or considering you to become its keeper. ALSO see our ancient deity offerings (click here) on our main witchtalismans sisters of the north website
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Name of deity:Malachi The Immortal One
Classification:Male warlock spirit haunted ring
Temperament:He exudes an aura of malevolence and intrigue, drawing others into his web of darkness with promises of power and forbidden knowledge.
Powers:He has mastered the dark arts of necromancy, allowing him to raise the dead and command legions of undead minions to serve his bidding. Malachi has extended his lifespan through dark rituals and forbidden magic, granting him a semblance of immortality that allows him to wield his dark powers for centuries to come.
Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail
All metal elongated oval-shaped with intricate scroll-like engravings warlock ring

Name of deity:Ottone
Classification:Warlock spirit deity haunted ring
Temperament:Aggressive but obedient
Powers:Ancient black arts magick and spells are mastered with this powerful ring
Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail
carved turquoise stone warlock ring
SIZE: 7 1/2 (14.51)Europe)

Name of deity: Archesim, the Black Inkwell
Origin: Byzantine
Classification:Warlock haunted ring
Temperament: He values curiosity, but also cynically observes how power can corrupt those who seek it.
Powers: Archesim can grant practitioners access to hidden tomes of forbidden spells. These spells are scribed in supernatural ink that seeps into the caster’s mind, forging a binding contract with the deity.He can temporarily rewrite small threads of reality by “inking over” them, allowing for illusions or momentary shifts in circumstance.
sterling silver 925 with red stones ring size a little more than 1″
Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail

Name of deity:Kenric
Classification:Warlock spirit haunted ring
Temperament:Mild, but can be a bit of an attention magnet
Powers:He helps new users of magick who desire to master Celtic magick and its Gods
Click here to Buy it now for just $126.50 free shipping worldwide using USPS first class mail
Stainless steel with gold plated haunted ring
SIZE: 9 1/2 U.S (20.98 Europe)
Contacting our coven is really easy, if you have any questions or need anything feel free to contact us anytime; Tell us that you are referring to our website as we have another site that focus more on witchcraft and magick which is called Our coven accept orders worldwide using paypal, debit cards, credit cards and Western Union.